watchtvseries The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall

The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall watchtvseries




Creators=Richard Stilgoe, Gaston Leroux

Abstract=The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall is a movie starring Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, and Hadley Fraser. A disfigured musical genius, hidden away in the Paris Opera House, terrorizes the opera company for the

score=7369 Votes

Cast=Sierra Boggess



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I purchased this movie, and its not letting me download it.

Sorry guys, 2,000,000 views are from me

Watching, singing, with tears in my eyes. Love from Poland. Thank you, Maestro.

Ramin and Sierra. any other Phantoms and Christines ever

I just watched the 25th anniversary special on YouTube. after watching that, how can anyone like the movie! The singing was absolutely horrible! The same for Les Miserables... the singing was subpar at best. Hevent seen any comments about this but MMM his hands. Fun facts: They use body doubles to get to the walkway above so fast The high E is pre recorded as not to strain her voice The phantom disappears by reclining further back on the throne and a piece of black is inserted to hide him. Not that Ive been obsessing over it since Friday. His voice is so powerful. Ramin is the best Phantom for me, so is Sierra as Christine. Chemistry between them made the best harmony. (my personal bias.

So emotional. It was aired on Channel 7 Christmas Day 2016. Loved it, and especially, loved to see Michael Crawford make an appearance.  I think he was the original Phantom. Where is Michael Crawford the number one Phantom of The Opera. The best phantom is Ivan Ozhogin, the best Christine is Elena Bahtiarova. Gerard is too pretty to play Phantom. He did well, just too damn handsome. Sarah just didn"t have a portable system, nowhere to hide it with that dress. I have become obsessed with this whole soundtrack. I feel like the Phantom of the Opera is there inside my mind. Help.


Sierra and Ramin are awesome together on stage. Their voices are ones that I can listen to continually and not grow tired of them. Love when Sierra finishes Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again, and the camera pans over to the producer/writer; heh he looks so smug like yep that"s right, that"s my song sung that awesomely. Also yumm both voice and everything else XD. When I see a cockroach in my kitchen 4:12.

Just amazing, no words to explain my feeling in this moment.
I bet it"s a tough job making the very handsome Ramin look really ugly.
Still free on Netflix.
The movie had its high moments, but nothing will ever beat Team Rierra. And I"m sorry, Gerard did a good job for someone with no training prior to that job, but the man just didn"t know how to do high notes (koffmusicofthenightkoff.
Frickin Christine is a jerk in this movie.

Who"s the old lady in the dark part. Wonderful. Not many folk can pull off all black suits. Colm came in too early and got everyone off, leaving Anthony Warlow to sing almost nothing alone. Yikes. Anthony needs more. Ramin"s gestures during this make it all the better, he"s literally gesturing for her how to sing. Wow! Antonio Banderas is epic.